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Feedback for Kailey
AMAZING service!!! Very knowledgeable and EXTREMELY helpful!! Kailey is incredible!!
Bruce C in Taylorsville, Utah, United States | July 24th, 2019
Thank you for your assistance with this order. It has truly been a pleasure working with you. You are very friendly, helpful and detail oriented. I also look forward to future dealings with you and your company.
Dayna | July 9th, 2019
Kailey provided reasonable explanations and a possible work around to my issue at hand, and was very polite.
Adam in Washington, District of Columbia, United States | May 14th, 2019
Kailey knows her stuff. I was very impressed with her friendly and knowledgeable service. Thank you.
Peter | June 18th, 2018
Super fast response - friendly! Even at 6am.
Glenn in Little Rock, Arkansas, United States | March 14th, 2018