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ASTM A193 vs ASTM F593

What are the differences between F593 and A193 stainless steel headed bolts?

There are many differences between these two specifications.  In order to understand these dissimilarities there are overviews of each specification below followed by a short summary of these variances.  For the purposes of this FAQ we will be focusing on A193 Grades B8 (Type 304) and B8M (Type 316) versus  F593 Alloy Group 1 (Type... Read more

Large Diameter ASTM F1554

Can F1554 Grade 105 Anchor Bolts Be Made Above 3” Diameter?

ASTM specifies the diameter range for F1554 grade 105 anchor bolts as ½” through 3”. What are the options for anchor bolts larger than 3” diameter of similar strength? Because the diameter range is clearly defined as ½” through 3” in the F1554 specification, an anchor bolt larger than 3” diameter can’t be certified to... Read more

ASTM A47 vs. A48 vs. A536

What is the difference between ASTM A47, A48, and A536?

ASTM A47, A48, and A536 are all casting specifications. Each grade has its own strength requirements and base material used. Each grade is also commonly associated with a particular finished part that Portland Bolt stocks. ASTM A47 ASTM A47 covers ferritic malleable castings intended for general use at temperatures from normal ambient to approximately 750°... Read more

A490 vs F3125 Grade A490

What changes have occurred to the ASTM A490 specification since it was incorporated into the F3125 specification?

In December 2015, ASTM committee F16 approved the new F3125 standard, which combined six structural bolt standards, A325, A325M, A490, A490M, F1852, and F2280. The goal was to clean up inconsistencies within those various standards and combine them, so that future updates would be easier and less costly. The goal was not to drastically change... Read more

A325 vs F3125 Grade A325

What changes have occurred to the ASTM A325 specification since it was incorporated into the F3125 specification?

In December 2015, ASTM committee F16 approved the new F3125 standard, which combined six structural bolt standards, A325, A325M, A490, A490M, F1852, and F2280. The goal was to clean up inconsistencies within those various standards and combine them, so that future updates would be easier and less costly. The goal was not to drastically change... Read more

ASTM A153 and Hot-dip Galvanizing

Does Portland Bolt sell hot-dip galvanized bolts that meet the A153 specification?

ASTM A153 is a broad specification covering zinc coating (hot-dip) of iron and steel hardware. In the past, A153 was the hot-dip galvanizing specification referenced by ASTM construction fasteners. The problem was that ASTM Committee F16 on Fasteners did not have any jurisdiction over this specification. Therefore, in 2005 the F2329 fastener-specific hot-dip galvanizing specification was established.... Read more


Does Portland Bolt sell zinc plated bolts that meet the B633 specification?

ASTM B633 is a broad specification covering electrodeposited zinc coating applied to iron or steel. In the past, this was the zinc plating specification referenced by ASTM construction fasteners. The problem was that ASTM Committee F16 on Fasteners did not have any jurisdiction over this specification. Therefore, in 1998 the F1941 fastener-specific zinc plating specification was... Read more

3/8″ Diameter F1554 Grade 36

Are 3/8” diameter F1554 Grade 36 anchor bolts available?

No they are not, although this is a somewhat recent change. In the 2015 version of the ASTM F1554 specification, the smallest diameter allowed was changed from ¼” to ½”. This means that prior to 2015, 3/8” diameter F1554 anchor bolts were allowable, but since then it is no longer an option. The F16 committee of... Read more

Specification Diameter Limits

Are there diameter limitations for various fastener specifications?

Every bolt grade has specific requirements including chemical makeup and strength properties. Virtually every grade of fastener also has diametrical limitations on both the small end and large end of sizes. For many grades the smallest diameter is ¼”, but some start at ½” (like ASTM F3125 and F1554). On the large end most bolts grades end... Read more

A193 Grade B8 vs. A320 Grade B8

What is the difference between A193 Grade B8 and A320 Grade B8?

The simple answer is none. The two specifications were written in tandem to be identical. The only difference between the two bolts is intended application. A193 bolts are intended for high temperature and high pressure applications, while A320 bolts are for cold temperature applications. Both bolt grades are made from type 304 stainless steel, have the same mechanical... Read more

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It's no secret that we are known as experts in the fastener industry and have been since 1912. Our devotion to customer service, quality products, and on-time deliveries have propelled us to success since our inception.

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