Anchor Bolts FAQs
Large Diameter Anchor Rods
What ASTM specifications are available for anchor bolts with diameters larger than what is covered by ASTM F1554?The ASTM F1554 specification for anchor bolts ranges from ½ – 4”Ø in Grade 36 and 55 and ½” – 3”Ø in Grade 105. Other material specifications are available for diameters larger than what is covered by F1554, but in some cases they are not technically fastener specifications. Grade Identification Size Inches 36 1⁄2 – 4 55... Read more
Wrapped Anchor Bolts
My plans call for a section of the anchor bolts on the project to be wrapped with tape. Can Portland Bolt quote this?Although uncommon, there are times when a project’s specifications or plans call for the unthreaded portion of an anchor bolt to be wrapped with various kinds of tape. This tape typically starts at the bottom of the threads projecting from the concrete and will either travel the entire length of the anchor bolt or stop at... Read more

Turn of Nut Method
What is the turn of the nut method, and does it apply to anchor bolts?The turn of the nut method is a very popular and reasonably reliable method for tensioning (F3125) A325 and A490 structural bolts without the need for expensive torque wrenches or tension measuring devices. It is a simple guide that tells the user to rotate the nut a specified amount depending on the bolt length and... Read more
1045 Steel for F1554 Grade 55
Can SAE 1045 round bar be used to manufacture F1554 Grade 55 anchor bolt?SAE (AISI) 1045 in an “as rolled” condition will likely not meet the mechanical requirements of ASTM F1554 Grade 55. ASTM F1554 Grade 55 is a finished fastener specification with mechanical and chemical requirements. SAE 1045 has chemical requirements associated with it; however there are no mechanical requirements since it is a raw material specification, not a... Read more
SAE 4340 and ASTM F1554
Do bolts made from SAE 4340 material meet the requirements of ASTM F1554?I have a client out of Israel and they manufacture equipment for use in power plants. They have a question about anchor bolts in seismic zones. They want to use anchor bolts made from SAE 4340 material and they would like to know if that is equivalent to ASTM F1554 material. Will this material be... Read more
F1554 Head Stamping
Does ASTM F1554 require headed anchor bolts to be stamped on the head with the fastener’s grade symbol and manufacturer’s logo?Stamping the heads of F1554 anchor bolts is not required per the ASTM Specification, but Portland Bolt chooses to do so to provide a secondary identification. Product Marking ASTM F1554 anchor bolts are marked on the threaded end that projects from the concrete with a designating color code, as is required by the specification. Marking... Read more
Rod with Nut vs Headed Bolt
Can I substitute a rod with a nut for a headed bolt?We do not recommend allowing this type of substitution without approval from the Engineer of Record. Based on performing mechanical tests to the ASTM specification F606 which covers the testing of construction fasteners, a rod with a nut would typically not produce the same strength characteristics as a bolt with a forged head. Under F606,... Read more
Headed or Bent Anchor Bolts
Is it better to use a headed anchor bolt or a L-bolt?Engineers often design anchor bolts in one of four common configurations. We see anchor bolts with forged heads, 90 degree bends, straight rods often with anchor plates on the bottom, and swedged rods. Engineers will design a structure using different grades and configurations based on the size, weight and design of a structure, wind forces,... Read more
A490 Anchor Bolts
Are ASTM A490 anchor bolts available?No. Just like in the case of anchor bolts being specified as A325, supplying anchor bolts as ASTM A490 is technically something that should be avoided. This is because the A490 specification is intended to cover heavy hex head bolts for structural steel connections only. This is mentioned in several places within the A490 specification.... Read more
A615 Anchor Bolts
I was told that I cannot use A615 grade anchor bolts because they are not listed in the approved anchor bolt section in the AISC manual. Is there a specification that addresses the use of A615 grade anchor bolts?There is no mention of any ASTM A615 grade being specifically used for anchor bolts in any ACI, AISC or ASTM specifications that we are aware of. Simply, the A615 grade is a rebar specification for concrete reinforcement; it is not an anchor bolt or raw steel specification. Using rebar for anchor bolts does present... Read more