Application FAQs

Proper Bolt Tension
What is the proper tension for an anchor bolt, headed bolt, stainless steel bolt or bent bolt?Only structural steel bolts have an associated tension recommendation. The desired tension on a structural bolt is achieved by using a calibrated torque wrench and a Skidmore-Wilhelm load indicating device to tighten the nut with torque indicated by a verified bolt torque chart. ASTM does not have any recommendations in place for the proper tension... Read more

Nut Grade Mark Visibility
Does it matter if we install nuts on A325s and A490s with the manufacturer’s ID and grade mark showing, or can they be installed either way?There is no published requirement for making sure the ID marks are on the outside and visible. The main concern would be being able to ascertain that the proper nuts were installed. If all the ID markings are on the inside, they would not be visible, and an inspector could not see them. That said,... Read more
Weathering Steel
Do A325-3 and A490-3 bolts rust?Yes, A325-3 and A490-3 are made from weathering steel containing copper, chromium, and nickel which induces the surface to form a heavy oxide coating that protects the base material from corroding any further. This brownish-red coating seals the material from corrosion much like other external coating options. These types of bolts are more often used... Read more

Dapping Tool Drill Size
What size drill is required for use with your shear plate dapping tools?Both the shear plate dapping tool and the split ring grooving tool require a heavy duty drill or drill press with a 3/4” minimum chuck size. Many of the small, cordless drills on the market only have a 3/8” or 1/2” chuck and would not be able to open their chuck wide enough to accept... Read more
Anchor Sleeves and Pull Out Strength
I am an engineer and I am calculating the strength of an anchor bolt for a job that I am designing. I want to use plastic sleeves on many of the anchor bolts on my project, but I don’t know how these sleeves affect the pull out strength of the anchor bolts. Is there any information on the subject?Portland Bolt is unaware of any information that addresses this question. Plastic sleeves seem to be a “gray area” due to the fact that no specifications cover them or design guides mention them. AISC Design Guide 1, 2nd Edition, Base Plate And Anchor Rod Design, Page 49, does address steel sleeves and has information on... Read more
A320 L7 Nuts and Washers
What grade of nuts and washers are compatible with ASTM A320 Grade L7 bolts and rods?ASTM A320-L7 is a specification covering bolts, studs, and screws intended for low temperature service. Portland Bolt regularly supplies both plain finish and hot-dip galvanized A320-L7 fasteners to numerous customers in Canada and Alaska. Recently in our Portland Bolt Live Chat, an engineer asked this question as he needed to know what grade of nuts and... Read more
A325X vs. A325 Bolt Head Markings
Do A325X bolts have a special marking on the head that would differentiate them from a standard A325?The “X” designates the connection type (bearing-type connection with threads excluded from the shear plane) and has nothing to do with the bolt itself. Therefore, an A325 structural bolt used in this type of connection will have no different markings than an A325 bolt used in a different type of connection (N or SC). All A325... Read more

Coupling Nut Thread Engagement
How much coupling nut thread engagement is required to achieve the strength of the rod?Unfortunately there appears to be no documented information on how much rod engagement into a coupling nut is required to achieve the strength of the rod or bolt being used with it. Coupling nuts are manufactured to the same ASTM specifications as regular hex nuts, and ASME B18.2.2 provides dimensional specifications for coupling nuts. Standard coupling... Read more
Anchor Bolts Too Low or High
What do I do if I poured my anchor bolts too low or too high?The answer can be found in AISC Design Guide 1,Section 2.11.3: “Anchor rod projections that are too short or too long must be investigated to determine if the correct anchor rods were installed. If the anchor rod is too short, the anchor rod may be projecting below the foundation. If the rod projection is too long,... Read more

Between Anchor Bolt Sleeves
What size anchor bolt sleeve do I use to fit a 1-1/8” diameter anchor bolt?This question is often brought to Portland Bolt’s attention by customers wondering how to install an anchor bolt sleeve with a 1-1/8” diameter rod. This issue arises due to the fact that anchor bolt sleeves are not manufactured in 1-1/8” diameter. We knew of two different solutions, but were left wondering which was the preferred... Read more