Portland Bolt Survivor Pool

Newest FAQs

Do F1554 anchor bolts come in weathering steel?

No they do not. F1554 is a carbon steel, carbon boron, alloy, or high-strength low-alloy specification. F1554 has 3 strength grades, 36, 55, and 105. These numbers correspond to the minimum yield strength required. If corrosion resistance is required, F1554 anchor bolts can be hot-dip galvanized to the F2329 specification. If weathering steel anchor bolts... Read more

Can I get A325 bolts in stainless steel?

The short answer is, “No, you cannot match the A325 strength with stainless steel.” Some grades of strain hardened or quenched and tempered stainless steel fasteners will exceed the A325 strength requirements, but most standard stainless fasteners are not nearly as strong as A325 bolts. These bolts are very different chemically. Whereas stainless steels consist... Read more

How do you lock a tie rod assembly in place?

The easiest way to lock a tie rod assembly in place is by including an extra nut that can be run up against either the clevis or the turnbuckle.  Once the nut has been jammed in place the assembly will be unable to move.  These pictures show that the nut has to be placed on... Read more

Why are clevises called out by a number?

Clevises are a component of tie rod assemblies that rods thread into. Unlike most other female threaded components such as nuts or turnbuckles, calling out a clevis size by the diameter of rod being threaded into it is not the correct way to reference it. Clevises are called out by a number, ranging from a... Read more

Does the length measurement of a bolt include the head?

In most cases, when specifying the length of a headed bolt, the thickness of the bolt head is not included. For instance, if you were to order a ¾” x 24” hex head bolt, the bolt would measure 24” from under the head. One exception to this method of measurement is countersunk bolts. When specifying... Read more

Are high strength clevises and turnbuckles available?

High-strength clevises can be provided in instances where smaller clevises are needed while keeping a higher safe working load. High-strength clevises are also used to develop the full capacity of high-strength threaded rods. Since high-strength clevises are not readily available in the marketplace, these items can add significant lead time and cost to the assembly.... Read more

How are turnbuckles measured?

A turnbuckle body is designated by the diameter of the rod threading into it and the length of the take-up inside the turnbuckle rather than the overall length. For example, a 1” x 6” turnbuckle body has an overall length of 8⅞”, but has an opening or “window” measuring 6”. Common sizes available are 6”,... Read more

Turnbuckle Drawing
Does Portland Bolt assemble accessory hardware to bolts?

Unless instructed otherwise, Portland Bolt will ship nuts and washers unassembled from bolts, with a few exceptions: Tie Rod Assemblies Tie rod assemblies are commonly used in heavy timber construction and in erecting architectural and structural steel. The assemblies typically consist of a threaded rod with right hand thread on one end and left hand... Read more

What is “thread runout” and what specifications cover it?

The thread runout portion of a bolt is where the threaded section transitions into the bolt shank.  This area exists beyond where the usable thread stops.  In other words, if you were to assemble a nut all the way onto a bolt, the nut will stop, but there will still be a small portion of... Read more

Can I tighten A325 and A490 structural bolts by turning the head of the bolt?

Yes. Per the RCSC Specification for Structural Joints Using High-Strength Bolts (2014), section 8.2, it says: “When it is impractical to turn the nut, pretensioning by turning the bolt head is permitted while the rotation of the nut is prevented, provided that the washer requirements in Section 6.2 are met”

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